Friday, March 6, 2009

Avoid Dating Arrogance As it Can Ruin Your Relationship With Your Partner

The right blend of arrogance and humbleness is considered to be irresistible by most women. But if there develops a gross imbalance and the degree of arrogance in a person increases, he tends to attain an inflated ego. He starts living in his own world of self-importance and pride and nothing affects him at all. He behaves as if he is impervious to human emotions and very soon, he loses all his friends as well as well-wishers. No woman would want to date such an arrogant man. Therefore, it is best to avoid arrogance and lead a life of modesty and humbleness.

Psychiatrists and mental healthcare experts from across the globe agree that arrogant people behave the way they do in order to mask their insecurities, self-consciousness and low self-esteem. These experts explain that there is an inherent fear of rejection which forces them to cover up their feelings and adopt oppressive mannerisms so that nobody can afford to ignore them. Arrogant people, therefore, cannot take criticism in the positive spirit, nor do they appreciate it when any jokes are directed on them. They retort back sharply with pungency. They manage to maintain cordial relationships with only those people who are senseless enough to nod their heads in agreement for anything that these arrogant people do or say. In a way, excessive arrogance and the resultant violent behavior is considered to be a kind of mental disorder.

If you are planning to go out on a date, it is best for men to avoid arrogance because women hate negative traits such as arrogance and haughtiness in their dating partners and become extremely cautious and defensive with such dates. Arrogant men are usually extremely judgmental in their approach and spend the entire evening in fault-finding, or trying to put their partners down to show off his assets (be it money, power, knowledge, etc).

Women want to date men who are good listeners. So, if you are planning to go out on a date, you better avoid arrogance because arrogant men make poor listeners; they will not give any chance to the lady to talk. Instead, they will keep talking the whole evening about themselves, their perspectives and their needs. They might even try to influence or downplay the thoughts of the lady or interject quickly whenever the lady wants to speak something contradicting his point of view. Women hate this kind of behavior and those who are less tolerant may even walk out in the middle of the date leaving the arrogant man gaping. Therefore, it is best that men avoid arrogance and behave much more courteously and humbly with their partners if they are looking to establish a long-term relationship with them.

If you are planning to go out on a date, you better avoid arrogance because although some women seem to find a mixture of arrogance and humbleness very appealing in men, it would be foolish to get inspired by this thought and fake arrogance by trying to project yourself as a highly confident and superior human being. Remember that while confidence acts in your favor, arrogance can be harmful and entirely ruin a relationship. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid arrogance and just relax and project your true self to your date.


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