Thursday, January 1, 2009

Dating and Relationship: The Beginning or the End?

Although there are no written laws or rules regarding dating, for most people the dating process is how two people get to know each other and to decide if there is enough compatibility between them to establish a relationship. Dating and relationship are not mutually exclusive terms, but are actually stages in the development of interpersonal communication and commitment. It is certainly possible to start a relationship with someone without dating first, just as it is possible to date without ever moving on to a relationship.

The process of dating and relationship can be either the beginning or the end, but it is up to the individual to decide if either is going to progress any farther. There are some things that you can do in the dating stage to help encourage the relationship stage and the best thing you can do is to be open and honest with the person you are dating. Sounds very simple, but for some guys, this is one of the hardest things for them to do, and usually becomes the end for them as a couple, rather than the beginning.

The four basic unwritten rules for dating and relationship are, and not necessarily in this order: be honest, openly communicate, be yourself, and have fun. Let’s start with having fun. Sounds like a no-brainer, but some guys are so worried about what she thinks about him, they forget to have fun. If you are not really having fun when you are dating, what makes you think that you are going to be able to have fun together in a relationship? Honestly, all the other rules aside, if you aren’t compatible enough to have fun together and enjoy doing things together, then it is much better to call it the end now, rather than later.

Being honest in both dating and relationship is vitally important. More problems are caused by trying to hide something from the other person than by just being upfront and honest about everything in the first place. Honesty is always the best policy in any situation, but is extremely important in situations of dating and relationship.

Open communication goes hand in hand with honesty, and can be the key factor in beginning something more than just dating, and is equally important in both dating and relationship. Often men feel they can’t or shouldn’t open up with a woman because that makes them feel vulnerable or is seen as a sign of weakness, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Not only will honest and open communication allow you to have more fun together, it is the basis on which any relationship is built. Moving into the relationship stage without being able to openly share thoughts, ideas and feelings is a problem waiting to happen.

Many guys are so concerned in dating and relationship with making a good impression that they fail to just be themselves. A woman should enjoy being with you for who you really are, and not who you think they want to see. This violates both the honesty and the open communication rules, and is a good way to end any possibilities of building a relationship. Of course, during the dating phase, most people are on their best behavior, as well you should be, but be yourself in the process. There is nothing worse than putting a lot of time and effort into someone and then finding out they are not the person you thought they were.

Dating and relationship: beginning or end? Remember a few basic rules and no matter the outcome, you both will have a more pleasant experience together. Be honest, communicate openly, be yourself, and have a good time together.

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